Where do I fit in?

Summer Recruitment Is Now Closed.

If you missed this recruitment season, don’t worry! UBC Steel Bridge will be looking to recruit again September 2024.

UBC Steel Bridge is a community of passionate and talented UBC students coming together to build award-winning model steel bridges fit for international competition. Every member plays an important part in our operations and opportunities are available to students from all faculties across UBC.

There is a role for anyone in Steel Bridge, in groups called subteams. Before you apply, make sure to see which of our subteams most closely matches your interests.

If you don’t know immediately, don’t worry! We are proud of our supportive learning environment for people of all interests and backgrounds.

The following subteams are hiring for positions:


DNA stands for “Design and Analysis” - a pillar of our bridge design. This subteam is responsible for creating, modelling, and analyzing our bridge truss system, as well as all its joints and connections. In doing so, subteam members employ a full design process from a conceptual design to a detailed one.


Marketing is more than just selling a product - it sheds light on a concept and inspires others. Our marketing subteam sheds light on UBC Steel Bridge’s impact and potential through inspiring visuals, campaigns, events, social media outreach, and more.


Building a steel bridge and participating in international competitions requires resources and funding. Being a student-run team, we rely on the goodwill of sponsors that believe in our capabilities and are willing to invest in the future of our team. Our sponsorship subteam represents Steel Bridge when directly contacting companies about the benefits of sponsoring us.

For any questions about the application or the team in general, please feel free to message us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. You can also email us at