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Outreach & Planning

Building a steel bridge and participating in international competitions requires resources and funding.

Being a student-run team, we rely on the goodwill of sponsors who believe in our capabilities and are willing to invest in the future of our team. Our sponsorship subteam represents Steel Bridge when directly contacting companies about the benefits of sponsoring us.

From grant applications to contacting sponsors, the sponsorship subteam has been diligently securing vital funding. The team has reached out to over 130 companies and is continuing to contact more. Through cold calling, members have the opportunity to network with industry members and build their communication skills.

Sponsorship members contact potential industry partners by phone or email. They also conduct outreach to current and past sponsors to inform them about Steel Bridge activities. The sponsorship team also runs the Lunch and Learns for Platinum sponsors and is involved in planning Industry Night.

Lunch & Learn Portfolio


“Working on the Sponsorship team has been such a great learning experience! I have learned a lot about cold calling and gained confidence in my ability to communicate with industry members.”

- Pius Lau | Sponsorship Lead 2024

“Last year I remember how nervous I was making my first cold call, and here I am now teaching others how to do that exact thing I was so scared of! This year, I hope to help my sponsorship members experience the same growth in their abilities. To do so, the sponsorship subteam provides a welcoming environment to grow interpersonal skills and directly interact with the industry.”

- Puneet Jagpal | Sponsorship Lead 2023